HVAC/CRAC Monitoring
A data center is a cool place. Monitoring the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system in it is crucial for tracking the indoor and outdoor temperatures, humidity, air flow rates, differential pressures, and Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) equipment status.
AggreGate Network Manager and AggreGate SCADA/HMI can connect to any industrial air conditioning unit for activating and controlling the proportioning valves, boilers, heat-exchange units, pumps, blowers, and air handlers.
Connection to a ventilation or an air conditioning unit can be established through almost any standard communication protocol:
Modbus |
BACnet |
And many more |
Air Flow Visualization
AggreGate User Interface Builder helps visualize the hot/cold aisles on a dynamic control room plan. Hundreds of deployed temperature sensors, both embedded into the server hardware and external, will be visualized on a unified sensor grid, helping to track down even minor deviations from the norm and get rid of the hot/cold spots.
Server Room Management
Oil and Gas
Gazprom Neft

Creation of a unified situation center Jupiter for the company's engineering systems and servers umbrella monitoring, including UPS, PDU, split air conditioning systems, water service pipes, water treatment systems, chillers, cooling/heating packs, gas-extinguishing installations, environmental parameters.
Automation of a Corporate Data Center
Radar Station Management System
Transportation and Logistics
Indonesia Port Corporation

Monitoring equipment and status related to the SAAB radar, network devices, as well as security and general alarming inside 7 scattered radar stations located in the Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Indonesia. The applicable protocols include Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, SNMP, NMEA, and more.