Connecting Your Devices

Virtually any device or data source can be connected to AggreGate using an Agent or a Driver.
The Agents are normalizing device data on the edge while the drivers do this in the cloud.
This difference in approach makes the connection style selection a matter of every specific project.
Device-side data normalization |
Server-side data normalization |
Standalone software library |
Software plugin for AggreGate Server |
Open-source Agent Development Kit, available in Java, .NET, C/C++, Android, .NET Compact, Tibbo BASIC, and more |
Open-source Driver Development Kit, Java-based |
Device-to-server communications using the secure, open and documented AggreGate Protocol |
Device-to-server communications using native protocols, such as Modbus, OPC, SNMP or MQTT |
- Device-side data buffering during the server disconnection
- Guaranteed event delivery is possible
- Delivery rates up to 500 000 events/updates per second can be reached for the PC-based agents
- Custom implementation of the AggreGate protocol is possible
- No device-side development is necessary
- No server-side development is necessary if a standard communication protocol is used
- Tibbo offers a driver development service suitable for well-documented proprietary communication protocols
- Flexible driver is available for non-programmatic driver implementation
Out-of-the-Box Agents
- PC-based Agent for monitoring software and services on a server or a workstation
- Agent that exposes data from a lower-tier AggreGate Server to a higher-tier server, e.g. from the IoT Edge to the Cloud
Out-of-the-Box Drivers
- 50+ drivers for standard protocols
- Many drivers for the widespread proprietary protocols, e.g. Omron FINS
IoT Edge Gateways
AggreGate server can also run on the industrial PCs, Linux PLCs, single-board computers, and specialized IoT gateways. It provides the local monitoring, control and decision-making, as well as data buffering for higher-tier server connections.