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AggreGate IoT Platform Pricing

IoT Platform


(excluding VAT 20%)
Perpetual, on-premise


(excluding VAT 20%)
Perpetual, on-premise


(excluding VAT 20%)
Perpetual, on-premise


Contact Us Perpetual, on-premise

Pay-per-use costs

None None None None

Best for

Startups and small teams Small and medium businesses Medium and larger enterprises Large enterprises and holdings

Industrial IoT scope

Production line Shop floor Factory/facility Industrial enterprise

Classic IoT scope

≈ 100 – 1,000
≈ 1,000 – 10,000
≈ 10,000 – 100,000
Buy Basic Buy Standard Buy Premium Buy Enterprise

Device / Protocol Drivers


External Application/script Driver allows AggreGate Server to execute any applications or scripts located on the machine the server is running on.


BACnet Driver allows AggreGate Server to communicate with devices supporting BACnet/IP Protocol that is widely used in building automation and control systems.


CoAP Driver provides AggreGate Server with a request/response interaction model between application endpoints, supports built-in discovery of services and resources, and includes key concepts of the Web such as URIs and Internet media types.


SQL Database Driver provides connectivity to external JDBC-compliant Database. It is used for checking connection and executing queries.


EtherNet/IP Driver uses unconnected explicit messages (UCMM) to a service of class on the field device.


Local File Driver provides monitoring of attributes and content of files located on AggreGate server.


AggreGate Flexible Driver is a self-service device driver construction kit for proprietary binary or text protocols over TCP, UDP or Serial port.


Local Folder Driver provides monitoring of folders located on AggreGate server.

GPS Tracker

Satellite Vehicle Tracker Device Driver is used to monitor and control various GPS/GLONASS tracker devices using customizable protocol parsers.


HTTP Driver allows monitoring of web servers and web pages (URLs). Main tool for integrations with remote WEB/REST APIs.

IEC 60870-5-104

IEC-104 Driver implements IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol Client.

Local System

Local System Driver provides AggreGate Server with local CPU, HDD, RAM monitoring.

Message Stream

Message Stream Driver allows to communicate with devices that send string data over TCP, UDP or Serial ports. Simplified analogue of Flexible Driver.


Meter Bus (M-Bus) Driver allows AggreGate Server to communicate with smart meters supporting Meter Bus protocol via serial port and IP (TCP).


Modbus Driver allows communicating with devices supporting Modbus Protocol via both network versions (Modbus TCP and Modbus UDP) and serial versions (Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII and Modbus BIN) of the protocol.


Modem Driver allows to control a GSM modem or any other modem that is based on AT command set. Modem devices are often used to send SMS messages.


MQTT Driver is MQTT client which allows AggreGate Server to connect to MQTT broker and to subscribe to topics.


NMEA Driver allows AggreGate Server to retrieve data from GPS receivers and other equipment compliant to the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) 0183 standard.


OLE for Process Control (OPC) Driver allows AggreGate Server to communicate with OPC Servers, i.e. act as an OPC Client.


OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) Driver allows AggreGate Server to communicate with OPC UP Servers, i.e. act as an OPC UA Client.


SMPP Driver provides sending SMS messages through a Simple Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) gateway.


SNMP Driver provides communications via Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP v1, v2(c) and v3) allowing to exchange management information with SNMP-compliant network devices.

Virtual Device

Virtual Device Driver is very useful during testing, debugging and learning about the system, as it behaves similarly to any real hardware device connected to the system.


Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) Driver allows AggreGate Server to achieve instant messaging, as well as to solve the problem of interoperability between heterogeneous networks using IP technology and XML.


Agent Driver handles AggreGate protocol incoming connection from Agents, deployed on remote data points.


DLMS/COSEM Driver allows AggreGate Server to communicate with smart meters supporting DLMS/COSEM protocol via serial or IP (TCP).


DNP3 Driver implements data retrieval via Distributed Network Protocol v3.

Omron FINS

Omron FINS Driver allows AggreGate Server to communicate with devices supporting Omron FINS Protocol.


SMB/CIFS Driver provides shared resources monitoring (SMB/CIFS).


Avatar Driver is designed to clone and auto update specified AggreGate contexts within one server. Avatar is generally used with Distributed Architecture to make persistent clone of mapped objects.

IP Host

Network Host Driver is a comprehensive IP network host monitoring tool. It checks hosts status and various services/applications running on it.


IPMI Driver provides monitoring and control of IPMI-enabled servers and network devices.


JMX Driver allows AggreGate Server to communicate with Java-based applications and Application Servers using Java Management Extensions (JMX) protocol.


SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Driver performs automatic SIP calls to check availability, health and operability of VoIP servers.


SMI-S Driver allows to monitor and manage SMI-S compatible storages.


Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Driver allows AggreGate Server to call Web Services.


VMware Driver implements VMware performance counter retrieval via VMware SOAP API.

Web Transaction

Web Transaction Driver monitors web applications executing test scripts using Selenium engine.

WebSphere MQ

WebSphere MQ Driver allows AggreGate Server to perform monitoring of IBM WebSphere MQ server operability. Monitoring is performed via the native MQ communication protocol over an IP network.


WMI Driver allows to manage Microsoft Windows computers.


Asterisk Driver allows AggreGate Server to monitor health, performance and operability of Asterisk VoIP server.


CORBA Driver allows AggreGate Server to communicate with any CORBA-based application.


CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP) Driver provides managing and monitoring of customer-premises equipment (CPE) according to TR-069 specification.

Local Agent

Local Agent Driver is an implementation of AggreGate Agent concept for AggreGate server. It allows current server to transmit data up the hierarchy to Agent Device of some central server.


Data Storage


File Storage Plugin saves data on file system as files. Basically used for small systems to store all data including configuration.


Apache Cassandra Storage Plugin. Apache Cassandra database engine can run either in-process or as a standalone application.


Relational Database Storage Plugin supports storing data in JDBC-compliant relational DB (internal or external). It is necessary for operation of some modules (Classes, CMDB, NetFlow).


Graph Database Driver connects AggreGate Server to Graph Databases for storing topologies comprising nodes, edges and their properties.


Data Processing / Analytics Modules


Alerts Module allows to track variable state and events, generate interactive alerts and send necessary notifications.


Applications Module allows developer to create and manage collection of resources (contexts) for CI/CD implementation.

Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS Device Server Module keeps live connection to central node.

Email Operations

Email Operations Module allows sending email notifications.

Event Filters

Event Filter is a visualization component designed for monitoring current and historical events.


Geo-fences Module allows to work with map objects and implements geo-functions. The module is neeeded for geofence editor and maps operations.

Job Scheduler

The primary purpose of the Job Scheduler Module is automatic non-interactive execution of actions according to a user-defined time schedule.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning Module provides training and scoring modules for AI implementation.


Models Module allows creating and describing data model — real object digital twin. It contains description of variables, functions, bindings, etc.


Queries Module supports integrated SQL-like language for retrieving data.


Auto-generated REST API allows to reach every permitted data point and function at AggreGate server. REST API is one of the most popular ways for integrating with 3rd-party systems.


Scripts Module provides support for Java, Python and R scripts execution.

SMS Operations

SMS Operations Module allows interacting with external Clickatell SMS gate.

Unified Search

Unified Search Module allows adjustable AggreGate Server indexing for fast object search.


Workflows Module provides visually designed flow-based actions that combine server-side logic with operator interactions.


Classes Module allows to store large number of similar objects in a relational or graph database.


Event Correlator Module is an integrated powerful tool for Complex Event Processing. It is also used for integrating with external event stream engines like Kafka.

Device Discovery

Device Discovery Module allows operator to scan network segments for devices of specified types. After operator check necessary devices are created in the system tree according to naming rules.

HTTP Server

HTTP-Server Module allows to publish some specific web API in a custom format.

LDAP Authentication

LDAP Authentication Module provides external user authentication via LDAP (Active directory).


OAuth Authentication Module provides external user authentication and authorization via OAuth technology.

Process Control

Process Control Module is implementation of IEC 61131-3 standard including SFC (Sequential Function Chart), FBD (Function Block Diagram), LD (Ladder Diagram), ST (Structured Text).

Distributed Architecture

AggreGate Distributed Architecture Module provides native unlimited scalability by mapping context tree (or its part) to another AggreGate server.

Kerberos Authentication

Kerberos Authentication Module provides external user authentication and authorization via Kerberos protocol.


Data Visualization Modules


Auto Run Module executes operations automatically when an operator logs into any AggreGate-based user interface.


Dashboards provide grouping of Widgets and other UI components to create end-user interfaces from prepared "bricks". Dashboards are used both in Desktop and Web interfaces.


Reports Module allows to display and save data in a graphic, printer-friendly format using JasperReports engine.


Widgets is a special "sub-application" with a graphical user interface (GUI) consisting of the user interface components, such as text fields, tabbed panels, video windows, etc. Widget is main Desktop UI building block.

Web-based Widgets

Web-based Widgets Module provides ability to start Desktop Widgets in React-based Web applications.


Deployment and Support Conditions

Data Ingestion 1,000 variables (tags)
100,000 events/day
100,000 function calls/day
10,000 variables (tags)
1,000,000 events/day
1,000,000 function calls/day
100,000 variables (tags)
10,000,000 events/day
10,000,000 function calls/day
No limits applied
Maximum Server CPU Cores 4 8 16 Unlimited
Maximum Server Memory Usage 4 GB 16 GB 64 GB Unlimited
Support Community support Community support AMS contracts or community support Premium support, AMS contracts, or community support
Purchase Purchase on a public offer basis Purchase on a public offer basis Purchase on a public offer basis Customized purchase and support contracts
License Extension License cannot be extended by other modules and products License cannot be extended by other modules and products License cannot be extended by other modules and products Multi-server installations, customizable license contents

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