Tibbo Systems has Become an Official Sponsor of International IoT Exhibition and Conference 2016

Tibbo, one of the World’s leading IoT solutions providers, has become an Official Sponsor of International IoT Exhibition and Conference once again.
This year, the event was even brighter and more ambitious than before. We will remember it by newsworthy presentations, innovative designs, smart solutions, great Startup Fight and Speed Dealing, as well as fascinating experiments, fruitful discussions, and instructive workshops.
Public authorities’ representatives, businessmen, investors, start-up project developers and all those associated with smart technologies world attended the Conference.
In the context of Industrial-IoT section, Dmitry Moiseev, Key Account Director of Tibbo Systems, held the speech on IoT role and prospects in agriculture, as well as features that should be considered when applying IoT.
Tibbo exhibition booth combined two international companies: Tibbo Technology (Taiwan) with its Tibbo Project System and Tibbo Systems with AggreGate IoT Integration Platform.
The most exciting thing at Tibbo stand was BMS system working demo with climate and lights control. It is based on LTPS3 controller as device server with sensors and AggreGate as monitoring SCADA solution showing how IoT can be applied in real life.
During the exhibition, Victor Polyakov, Tibbo Systems Managing Director, and Markos Legra Sanchez, Tibbo Technology Project Manager, pondered over the role and place of IoT products in the life of a modern business enterprise. They also explained how Tibbo is leveraging TPS devices and AggreGate IoT Platform to create the next-generation monitoring and automation solutions.
Detailed event information and the photo report are available at the following link.