Microsoft SQL Server Monitoring

AggreGate Microsoft SQL Server Monitoring

Microsoft SQL Server is a database platform offering a vast number of solutions, ranging from personal databases to large enterprise systems and applications of any size. The SQL Server is an all-in-one solution for database management and business analytics staying one of the world’s most frequently used DBMSs due to its high performance, reliability, security, and scalability. All business-critical systems use it to have an option for the efficient data storage and processing.

The modern business world sets high-level requirements for the enterprise systems because of their dramatic effect on the general corporate performance. Corporations can’t afford even minor faults but the more complicated the system is, the more difficult it is to define the low performance cause. Even when a system keeps stable operation within a given SLA, it still requires proactive monitoring to reduce or totally eliminate the downtime and financial losses. Monitoring data can be also used when scaling, e.g. purchasing new hardware for an upgrade, to ensure the most efficient IT budget allocation.

Deep monitoring raises a chance to define the system bottlenecks and performance trends while looking for the new ways of performance improvement. A comprehensive approach is very important here. Having a single system to compare data on the server hardware performance, communication channel load, user activity, database operating efficiency and others is a great piece of luck.

AggreGate Network Manager provides an efficient out-of-the-box Microsoft SQL Server monitoring environment.

Microsoft SQL Server KPIs:

Buffer cache hit ratio Active user connections and sessions
Memory utilization and usage efficiency I/O subsystem
Work with pages Disk space utilization
General, activity and lock statistics And more
Access method statistics