End User Experience Monitoring

AggreGate End User Experience Monitoring

Performance of websites, portals and applications is, in fact, a matter of end user perception. Simple page loading time measurement and presence of required keywords in the page body doesn't guarantee you'll be able to purchase a smartphone in a web store successfully.

Adequate end user experience monitoring is only possible by executing web transactions in a regular web browser and checking everything from the customer's perspective. This ensures the business objective of your web application is met, implicitly guaranteeing consistency of intermediate elements, such as on-page javascript, cookies, authorization, and a server-side code.

Web Transaction Monitoring in AggreGate

AggreGate Network Manager is a powerful web transaction monitoring software that enables proactive real user experience monitoring via a real web browser that runs in "headless mode". It uses the industry's best Selenium web application testing framework, leveraging a vast, mature and flexible performance evaluation ecosystem. The Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is used for recording and customizing performance and operability testing scenarios, then the AggreGate server runs those scenarios in the background, offering an automated analysis of detailed execution results that include execution troubles, timings, and even screenshots.

Combined with other application performance monitoring methods – such as server, OS, database, web server and application server monitoring – the web user experience monitoring caps end-to-end visibility of the whole website operation process.

Even the most complex multi-step transactions can be easily recorded without scripting. Further playback can take place from various servers in a distributed Network Manager installation, enabling the location-specific performance checking.

Finally, all other network and application performance monitoring tools facilitate identification of the slow infrastructure elements that impact website performance.